22.05.2019 , in ((Experiences))
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Mihaela Nedelcu et Malika Wyss
Transnational grandparents and their contribution to the intergenerational circulation of care are rarely subject of attention in social sciences and public discourses on migration. Yet, as a central dimension of family solidarity, grandparents’ involvement in childcare also takes place within transnational families, both in countries of origin and settlement. Various
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28.03.2019 , in ((Blog series, Discrimination))
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Anne Lavanchy
Le choix des mots représente un enjeu capital dans la prise en considération de phénomènes sociaux tels que le racisme. Le fait que les termes étymologiquement liés à la « race » soient souvent négligés dans la lutte contre le racisme et les analyses des inégalités est loin d’être anodin.
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06.03.2019 , in ((Blog series, Experiences, Social Work))
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Barbara Waldis et Amel Mahfoudh
Caring for vulnerable kin, children and elderly parents plays an important role in transnational families. As addressed in the global care circulation concept, female migrants from the Global South taking care of children and elderly members of wealthy families solve a public problem privately. We slightly change the focus and
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06.02.2019 , in ((Blog series, Politique, Social Work))
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Lisa Marie Borrelli et Christiane Carri
Im Bereich der Sozialen Arbeit und bei Debatten um Migration, Mobilität und Integration ist Intersektionalität ein relevantes Reflexionsinstrument zur Erforschung von Machtverhältnissen und sich überlappender Diskriminierungsformen. Dieses Konzept rückt die Erfahrungen von Menschen, die aufgrund ihres Geschlechts oder ihres Migrationshintergrundes benachteiligt werden, ins Zentrum. Seit den1990er Jahren hat sich, insbesondere
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07.12.2018 , in ((Blog series, Politique, Séries de blogs, Skills and Migration))
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Huey Shy Chau
A new market for home care has emerged in Switzerland, fostered by the free movement of workers. Private care agencies recruit women from lower-wage countries and place them in private households for elderly care. The women usually work for a few weeks or months at a time and commute between
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