About the Indicators
Migration-Mobility Indicators
The nccr – on the move produces a “toolbox” allowing an interactive exploration of new facets of the migratory landscape in Switzerland. The Migration-Mobility Indicators are based on various sources of data and provide key figures and original analyses on the phenomena of migration and mobility. The visualizations are bundled into thematic blocks and are regularly updated and expanded.
The Sources of Data Currently Available
– Our researchers and our Data Manager linked data of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office SFSO, the State Secretariat for Migration SEM and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA. The resulting original longitudinal data allows us to illustrate migration pathways over multiple periods.
– The nccr – on the move conducts the Migration-Mobility Survey with a total of over 7,200 migrants who arrived in Switzerland in the last 16 years. Indicators on their trajectories, current situation and projects for the future provide first-hand insights into the reality of migration and mobility.
– Two research teams developed a comprehensive set of databases and indicators on integration and citizenship law covering all Swiss cantons.