Increasing diversity has become one of the main characteristics of European societies, with immigration being one of its main drivers. Between 2008 and 2022, all countries covered by EUROSTAT statistics experienced increases in the number of foreign-born residents.

Switzerland, with 30% foreign-born residents in 2022, ranks third, just after the microstates of Liechtenstein (69%) and Luxemburg (49%). If the trend observed since 2011 continues, by 2025, one in three residents in Switzerland will have been born abroad.

Just over half (55%) of the foreign-born residents in Switzerland were born in one of the 28 EU Member States in 2022. Compared to other European countries, this is the fifth highest proportion of migrants originating from the EU, behind Slovakia (74%), Luxembourg (68%), Iceland (66%) and Romania (59%).

How many migrants settle in Switzerland?

How much does migration contribute to population growth in Swiss municipalities?

For what reasons do people migrate to Switzerland?


Country of birth: The country of birth is the country of residence of the mother at the time of birth or, in default, the country in which the birth took place.

Sources: EUROSTAT Statistics on Origin of Residents (2008-2022)

Note on methodology: This indicator compares the number of foreign-born residents in Switzerland and other European states.

Terms of use: The Migration-Mobility Indicators are made available free of charge for non-commercial use. We ask the users to acknowledge the source.

Suggested citation: nccr – on the move, Migration-Mobility Indicators. Neuchâtel: nccr – on the move, 2024.

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Last update: 26 March 2024