30.04.2020 , in ((Politica, Practices))
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Philippe Wanner e Juan Galeano
This is a repost of a blog contribution published at GLOBALCIT, European University Institute on 13 March 2020. Immigrant naturalization in Switzerland is often characterized by a generally restrictive approach yet with substantial variation in policies due to the complex multi-level naturalization procedure: ordinary naturalization is based on a three-level
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15.04.2020 , in ((Politica, Practices))
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Philippe Wanner e Juan Galeano
Immigrant naturalization in Switzerland is often characterized by a generally restrictive approach yet with substantial variation in policies due to the complex multi-level naturalization procedure: ordinary naturalization is based on a three-level decision (municipality/commune, canton, and confederation) with a wide range of different (restrictive or almost liberal) procedures at the
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18.09.2019 , in ((Esperienze))
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Philippe Wanner
The analysis of migration in Western countries has long focused on arrival – or immigration – which undeniably represents a challenge for host societies in terms of planning, integration and social cohesion. However, as a common phenomenon with considerable impact, the departure – or emigration – of migrants also deserves our
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27.06.2019 , in ((Gender, Skills, Migration))
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Philippe Wanner
Longtemps masculine, la migration s’est progressivement ouverte aux femmes par le biais du regroupement familial, conduisant à des défis pour l’intégration des femmes et des enfants sacrifiés fréquemment sur le marché du travail et au niveau de leur formation, au bénéfice de la carrière du conjoint et père. Plus récemment,
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16.06.2016 , in ((Politica))
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Philippe Wanner
Le récent rapport du SEM rappelant la présence en Suisse d'environ 76 000 sans-papiers invite à s’interroger sur les causes de ce phénomène. En particulier, l’inadéquation entre des politiques migratoires, orientées sur les migrants hautement qualifiés, et un marché du travail requérant de la main-d’œuvre faiblement rémunérée, est certainement l’une des raisons majeures expliquant la permanence des sans-papiers.
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