
Transnational Grandparenting: Childcare in Migrant Families in Switzerland

22.05.2019 , in ((Esperienze)) , ((No commenti))

Transnational grandparents and their contribution to the intergenerational circulation of care are rarely subject of attention in social sciences and public discourses on migration. Yet, as a central dimension of family solidarity, grandparents’ involvement in childcare also takes place within transnational families, both in countries of origin and settlement. Various ...

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Female Migrants Caring for their Elderly Parents: An Understudied Case?

06.03.2019 , in ((Blog series, Esperienze)) , ((No commenti))

Caring for vulnerable kin, children and elderly parents plays an important role in transnational families. As addressed in the global care circulation concept, female migrants from the Global South taking care of children and elderly members of wealthy families solve a public problem privately. We slightly change the focus and ...

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Etre ou ne pas être un·e étranger·ère intégré·e?

26.09.2018 , in ((Esperienze)) , ((No commenti))

La plupart des narratifs politiques ou médiatiques liés à la migration contiennent l’image d’une boîte de Pandore. Mais pourquoi n’oserions-nous pas une fois convoquer Shakespeare et Cendrillon au débat? Faire partie de la société : véritable moteur d’intégration Si Shakespeare questionne la complexité existentielle et identitaire à travers son fameux « être ...

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