09.02.2019 , in ((Media))
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Lorenzo Piccoli
The nccr – on the move blog has been read by over 2000 people during 2018. The most popular post is «High-Skilled but Unemployed: The Absence of Expat Wives from the Labor Market», by Kate Kirk. The three most read contributions of the year are dealing with family migration and
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16.01.2019 , in ((Politica))
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Marco Bitschnau
Kaum ein migrationspolitisches Thema hat die Öffentlichkeit in letzter Zeit so sehr erregt, wie der kürzlich in New York verabschiedete Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). Doch während alle Welt über den (wenig überraschenden) Inhalt des Paktes diskutiert, kommen kritische Anmerkungen zu den Konturen eben dieser Diskussion,
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30.11.2018 , in ((Blog series, Politica, Skills and Migration))
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Stefanie Schröder
Access of migrants and refugees to German universities depends on the classification of their prior degrees and qualifications. The access routes into higher education for refugees are challenged by achieving language competencies and proving their ‘ability to study’. Many refugees who reached Germany in the last few years are already
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29.11.2018 , in ((Blog series, Politica, Skills and Migration))
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Aylin Laubscher, Aurelia Rohrmann, Anna Wolf e Simone Keller
Up to ten percent of the refugees in Switzerland have a background in higher education. Facing many more obstacles than the average student, such as limited financial support and not verified diplomas, fugitives with academic background find it very hard, if not impossible, to continue their education at a Swiss
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20.06.2018 , in ((Buone pratiche))
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Sarah Progin-Theuerkauf
In der letzten Zeit gab es in einigen Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union, vor allem in Deutschland, Vorschläge, Migrant*innen an der Grenze abzuweisen. Auch in der Schweiz wird dies gelegentlich vorgetragen. Nach einer Lektüre des nationalen Rechts erscheint es tatsächlich möglich, Migrant*innen an der Grenze abzuweisen. So erlaubt z.B. Art. 64c AuG «formlose
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