asilo + rifugiati

Smugglers and Estate Agents: Syrian Refugee Views on Informality in Germany

21.05.2021 , in ((Mobility + Informality)) , ((No commenti))

During the Syrian conflict that sparked after the insurgency in 2011, 5,6 million Syrians sought refuge in other countries. During their life-changing journeys, in order to achieve mobility, Syrians have had to seek illegal services of some intermediaries. These professionals, whom Syrians call “simsar,” are brokers of mobility, across borders ...

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Seeking Asylum in Europe? Informality is the Path to Legality

06.05.2021 , in ((Mobility + Informality)) , ((No commenti))

Refugees are vilified for using illegal practices. But illegality is deeply embedded in Europe’s asylum system: hotspots formalize smuggling routes as a precondition for asylum; illegal ‘push-backs’ push migrants to destroy papers; and overburdened states pressure refugees to move to more prosperous ones, illegally. There is a clear shift in ...

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Ce que nous pouvons apprendre (ou pas) du MIPEX 2020

08.12.2020 , in ((Politica)) , ((No commenti))
, e

Les protestations contre les violences policières et les manifestations Black Lives Matter aux États-Unis touchent aussi la Suisse. Quelle est la situation dans notre pays en matière de discrimination raciste et quels enseignements peuvent être tirés du mouvement Black Lives Matter dans le contexte historique et politique de la Suisse. ...

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Asylum Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Persecution: The Political Discourse in Switzerland

17.11.2020 , in ((Swiss Asylum Policy and Legislation)) , ((No commenti))

For nearly three decades, Swiss officials have registered asylum claims based on persecution due to sexual orientation and gender identity. Initially, a predominantly administrative act, the issue is now present and debated in the political space. In these lines, I describe how the issue has developed into an ideologically debated ...

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