migrazione irregolare

Deported to Mexico as Strangers

27.04.2018 , in ((Esperienze)) , ((No commenti))

More than 100 000 people were deported from the United States to Mexico in 2017. Some of them have been living in the United States as undocumented immigrants for many years. Some of them do not have family connections in Mexico or speak Spanish. What happens once they arrive in Mexico? A visit to a migrant shelter in Tijuana. ...

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Complying with What? Non-Compliance in the UK Immigration Detention

27.02.2018 , in ((Esperienze)) , ((No commenti))

The notion of non-compliance with immigration policy and enforcement is a recurring theme, which regularly comes up both in reviewing government policy and through ethnographic work with men detained in the Verne immigration removal center. Non-compliance is not always the intentional manifestation of personal agency. Instead, in the messy landscape of UK immigration detention it can be another tool of domination. ...

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Maintaining Distance and Producing Indifference in Swiss Immigration Detention

20.02.2018 , in ((Esperienze)) , ((No commenti))

In contrast to many other countries, Switzerland confines most of its immigration detainees in ordinary prisons together with convicted or on remand prisoners – although usually in separated areas. As a consequence, prison officers are those in charge of the confinement and exclusion of migrants. They are constantly confronted with their suffering, which may take the form of bewilderment, anger, or despair, and develop forms of moral detachment to cope with the situation. ...

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