migrazione irregolare

Carcerazione amministrativa

29.09.2016 , in ((Cosa si intende per…)) , ((No commenti))

Solitamente, le persone recluse in carcere hanno commesso un crimine o un delitto (pena detentiva) o sono sospettate di averlo commesso (carcere preventivo). Eppure, nelle carceri svizzere si trovano centinaia di persone private della libertà per motivi amministrativi legati esclusivamente alla loro condizione di stranieri. Che cos’è la carcerazione amministrativa? Quando può essere ordinata nei confronti di un migrante? Quali sono le condizioni di detenzione vigenti in Svizzera in materia di carcere amministrativo? ...

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Von Grenzkontrollen und Grenzen der Kontrolle

09.09.2016 , in ((Media, Politica)) , ((No commenti))

In den vergangenen Wochen rückte das italienisch-schweizerische Grenzgebiet in den Fokus der öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit. Es wurde deutlich, dass auch im Zeitalter der Schengener Abkommen nationalen Grenzen und ihrer Kontrolle eine grosse Bedeutung zukommt, diese aber nur begrenzt möglich ist. Was geschieht heute an der Grenze? Und warum denken wir nicht über weniger statt über mehr Grenzkontrolle nach? ...

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Regularization Measures

06.07.2016 , in ((Cosa si intende per…)) , ((No commenti))

Regularization measures are legal tools that provide undocumented migrants with a way out from their irregular status. They may differ widely – in name, content, effects, effectiveness – but they all lay bare the gaps of one country' s official immigration policy. This is why they are amongst the most controversial of all the schemes that States have devised to manage undocumented immigration. ...

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76 000 sans-papiers en Suisse. Une chance pour l’économie suisse ?

16.06.2016 , in ((Politica)) , ((No commenti))

Le récent rapport du SEM rappelant la présence en Suisse d'environ 76 000 sans-papiers invite à s’interroger sur les causes de ce phénomène. En particulier, l’inadéquation entre des politiques migratoires, orientées sur les migrants hautement qualifiés, et un marché du travail requérant de la main-d’œuvre faiblement rémunérée, est certainement l’une des raisons majeures expliquant la permanence des sans-papiers. ...

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The Sans-Papiers

19.05.2016 , in ((Cosa si intende per…)) , ((No commenti))

Shakespeare would say that a rose would still smell like a rose, no matter how we name it – because the very essence of things and people does not depend on their names but rather on their inner qualities. And yet, at least in this case, Shakespeare would be very wrong. In this case it is the way people are named that creates the way people are – or at least the way they are perceived – and it can have very long lasting and relevant effects on their lives and on their futures. ...

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