espulsione + detenzione

Carcerazione amministrativa

29.09.2016 , in ((Cosa si intende per…)) , ((No commenti))

Solitamente, le persone recluse in carcere hanno commesso un crimine o un delitto (pena detentiva) o sono sospettate di averlo commesso (carcere preventivo). Eppure, nelle carceri svizzere si trovano centinaia di persone private della libertà per motivi amministrativi legati esclusivamente alla loro condizione di stranieri. Che cos’è la carcerazione amministrativa? Quando può essere ordinata nei confronti di un migrante? Quali sono le condizioni di detenzione vigenti in Svizzera in materia di carcere amministrativo? ...

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The “Dublin IV”-Proposal: One Step Forward and Ten Steps Back …

01.09.2016 , in ((Politica)) , ((No commenti))

On 4 May 2016, the European Commission has published three proposals to reform the Common European Asylum System. They are the first series of two legislative packages the Commission has presented in 2016 to tackle the current “refugee crisis”. One of the proposals intends to amend the Dublin system, the controversial cornerstone of the Common European Asylum System, also applicable to Switzerland because of the Dublin Association Agreement. Which changes will the proposal entail? ...

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The EU-Turkey Deal on Refugees: “No Big Deal”?

28.04.2016 , in ((Politica)) , ((No commenti))

On 4 April 2016, a group of around 197 migrants and refugees was returned to Turkey as part of the “EU-Turkey deal on refugees”. A second group was returned four days later. The legal basis for these returns is a ‘deal’ between the European Council and its Turkish counterpart – and not the EU-Turkey readmission agreement, though both serve to send irregular migrants back to Turkey. What is the difference between them, and what is the ‘big deal’ actually all about? ...

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Expulsion, Readmission Agreements and ‘Non-Refoulement’

07.04.2016 , in ((Cosa si intende per…)) , ((No commenti))

Return, readmission, expulsion… these notions are often used in the same context, lately also when referring to the EU/Turkey deal that has attracted the (well-deserved) attention of the media. But what do we mean with ‘readmission’, and why could it be problematic from the point of view of international human rights and refugee law? ...

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