18.12.2024 , in ((Politics))
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Maud Bachelet, Philipp Lutz and Frowin Rausis
Der Nationalrat sorgte im September 2024 international für Schlagzeilen, als er entschied, die Schweizer Beiträge an das palästinensische Flüchtlingshilfswerk UNRWA auszusetzen. Einen Monat später erliess das israelische Parlament Entscheide, welche der UNRWA das Ausüben ihres Mandats im Gazastreifen und im Westjordanland ab Anfang 2025 faktisch verunmöglichen könnte. Sollte der Ständerat
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17.12.2024 , in ((Politics))
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Maud Bachelet, Philipp Lutz and Frowin Rausis
The Swiss lower chamber made headlines in September 2024 with its vote to suspend Swiss donations to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA. A month later, the Israeli parliament voted to effectively prevent the UN agency from continuing its mandate in Gaza and the West
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21.06.2024 , in ((Politics))
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Philipp Lutz
On this day, 25 years ago, Switzerland signed a bilateral agreement with the European Union to establish the free movement of persons. It is time to look back on how this issue has shaped Swiss politics thus far. The idea of the free movement of persons as reciprocal mobility rights
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28.02.2024 , in ((Politics))
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Maud Bachelet and Philipp Lutz
After more than three years of negotiations and just before the upcoming elections of the European Parliament, the European Union (EU) reached a provisional agreement on a new migration deal. Hailed as a historic agreement that will overhaul the EU’s migration and asylum policy framework, how would this deal change
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23.08.2023 , in ((Gestion migratoire))
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Sandra Lavenex, Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Philipp Lutz and Mariana Alvarado
Preferential trade agreements (PTAs) are meant to facilitate trade between countries. Yet, beneath the surface of these economic treaties lies a lesser-known dimension that extends beyond trade – the intricate regulation of international migration. A new dataset produced by researchers from the nccr – on the move based on these
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