23.08.2023 , in ((Gestion migratoire))
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Sandra Lavenex, Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Philipp Lutz and Mariana Alvarado
Preferential trade agreements (PTAs) are meant to facilitate trade between countries. Yet, beneath the surface of these economic treaties lies a lesser-known dimension that extends beyond trade – the intricate regulation of international migration. A new dataset produced by researchers from the nccr – on the move based on these
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12.07.2022 , in ((Politics))
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Marco Bitschnau and Philipp Lutz
Many people hold deep-seated misperceptions about immigration, painting its nature, effects, and governance in excessively dark colors. Rooted in concerns about out-group threats, these mistaken beliefs are often hard to correct as people are reluctant to accept contradictory information. This exacerbates polarization, undermines the deliberative tenets of pluralist discourse, and
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11.01.2022 , in ((Politics))
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Philipp Lutz and Lea Portmann
Western countries repeatedly point to resettlement – the organized transfer of refugees to a safe third country – as a solution to persistent humanitarian crises. Yet, Philipp Lutz and Lea Portmann show how such resettlement can, paradoxically, be a way for states to legitimize limiting access to humanitarian protection The
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02.09.2021 , in ((Politics, Practices))
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Philipp Lutz, Anna Stünzi and Stefan Manser-Egli
Menschen auf der Flucht haben Anspruch auf humanitären Schutz in einem sicheren Land – doch welches Land soll dafür zuständig sein? In der Praxis sind bisherige Bemühungen gescheitert, verbindliche Regelungen zur gemeinsamen Verantwortungsteilung in der Asylpolitik zu etablieren. Ein Vergleich mit der internationalen Klimapolitik zeigt, wie ein wirksamer Rahmen aussehen
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31.08.2021 , in ((Politics, Practices))
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Philipp Lutz, Anna Stünzi and Stefan Manser-Egli
International law demands that refugees obtain humanitarian protection in a safe country. However, which country should be responsible for which refugee remains a contested and unresolved question of international asylum governance – in particular in the event of refugee emergencies. Sharing the common responsibility of humanitarian protection is motivated by
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