Author: Didier Ruedin

Can You Write a Paper in a Day?

06.06.2024 , in ((Experiences)) , ((No Comments))
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In the spirit of a hackathon, we, a team of researchers, launched an ambitious project to write a complete academic paper in a day. While facing challenges such as time constraints as well as difficulties in collaborative simultaneous writing, by the end of the day, we kind of succeeded in ...

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La participation électorale des résident⸱e⸱s étranger⸱ère⸱s

15.05.2024 , in ((Voting Rights for Non-Nationals)) , ((No Comments))

L’un des principes des démocraties modernes est que la population peut participer à la prise de décision par le biais d’élections. Dans nombre de villes et régions, le droit de vote sur le plan local a été étendu aux résident⸱e⸱s étranger⸱ère⸱s dans le but de renforcer la légitimité de la ...

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We Know a Lot About Ukrainian Refugees

06.03.2024 , in ((Ukrainian Refugees)) , ((No Comments))

Russia’s ‘22 invasion of Ukraine has led to an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, with millions of Ukrainians seeking refuge abroad. While international efforts have tried to support the displaced, the scale of migration presents many challenges for host countries. In this context, many social scientists have sought to analyze the situation. ...

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Tracking the Movements of Expatriates

21.06.2023 , in ((Practices, What do we mean by…)) , ((2 Comments))

Globalization and intense global competition for highly-educated workers (expatriates) are drawing attention to their international mobility in OECD countries. However, the collection of international migration data lags behind, resulting in inconsistent and confusing estimates of expatriates worldwide. Tracking the real-time movements of this population has become increasingly challenging, leading to ...

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