26.08.2021 , in ((Politics))
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Etienne Piguet
Europe’s policy on asylum is marred by blatant geographic imbalances whereby certain countries accommodate asylum seekers in far greater numbers than others, with Greece and Cyprus leading the way (see our up-to-date indicator, maps and graphs and blog from 2019). In 2020, the European Commission put forward its New Pact
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27.05.2021 , in ((Politics, Practices))
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Etienne Piguet
En septembre 2020, la Commission européenne présente un « Pacte sur la migration et l’asile » où les règles de Dublin seraient abolies ou tout au moins amendées par un mécanisme de répartition des demandes d’asile après un premier examen dans le pays d’arrivée. Les pays souhaitant accueillir moins de personnes devraient
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01.04.2021 , in ((Politics))
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Angie Gago and Francesco Maiani
This is a repost of blog contribution that was originally published at The Loop on 12 March 2021. From 2014, ECJ decisions on welfare access have departed significantly from previous case law. Angie Gago and Francesco Maiani analyse two Court dialogues, one with the EU legislator, the other with national
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01.03.2021 , in ((Politics))
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Elham Manea
Context matters. On 7 March 2021, the Swiss electorate will vote on the popular initiative “Yes to a ban on full facial coverings”. To separate the niqab from its religious social and political contexts and turn it into a simple question of ‘choice’ is to miss out on a great
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03.02.2021 , in ((Politics))
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Janine Dahinden and Stefan Manser-Egli
On March 7, the Swiss electorate will vote on the so-called ‘burqa ban’. This popular initiative as well as the counterproposal stand for what we call gendernativism; the idea that the ‘native’ Swiss are genuinely gender-equal and that only Swiss women can voluntarily wear the veil. The consequence is not
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