Vulnerabilization of Migrant Workers During Crises

The (Im)Mobility Turn and the COVID‐19 Pandemic

05.03.2025 , in ((Vulnerabilization of Migrant Workers During Crises)) , ((No Comments))

The COVID‐19 pandemic brought much of the world to a standstill, but not all mobility stopped. Despite restrictions reducing tourism and other forms of movement, some people, including migrant workers in agriculture, continued to travel out of necessity. However, since societies reopened, non-essential mobility has bounced back without controversy, while ...

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The Problems of Protection: Lessons from Migrant Vulnerability

26.02.2025 , in ((Vulnerabilization of Migrant Workers During Crises)) , ((No Comments))

The COVID-19 pandemic showed we are all vulnerable in a crisis, but also that crisis can deepen inequality. The virus infected (and continues to infect) regardless of race, class and passport, and this is precisely what exposes race, class, and passport as the inequality-producing mechanisms they are. Migrants – or ...

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