Importance of Nationality for Older Migrants’ Pandemic-Related Worries

14.04.2022 , in ((Transnational Ageing)) , ((No Comments))

Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, people have been worried about COVID-19. Older persons (65+) seem to be especially vulnerable, and minorities and migrants have been hit harder by the pandemic than natives. Data shows that older Italian international migrants living in Switzerland have been considerably more worried ...

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Grandparenting Across Borders: A Form of Transnational Ageing

12.04.2022 , in ((Transnational Ageing)) , ((No Comments))

Grandparenting across borders represents a form of transnational ageing that increasingly concerns seniors regardless of whether or not they have a migration background or previous international mobility experiences. Based on insights from the nccr-on the move’s “Transnational Ageing” study, this blog post highlights the extent of transnational grandparenting practices among ...

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Guilty Generosity?

31.03.2022 , in ((Europe on the Brink)) , ((No Comments))

An argument that has been circulating widely over the recent days is that opening up to the victims of the war in Ukraine has allegedly revealed a racist attitude of closure toward Syrian, Afghan, and Yemeni refugees. Many propagators of this idea are very well-meaning. They want to push Europe ...

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