Immobilized by the Pandemic | Moving Forward in Academia

10.02.2021 , in ((COVID-19 + Early Career Academics)) , ((No Comments))

Academic mobility is often a prerequisite for professional development and career advancement for early- career scholars. The immobility created by the global pandemic disrupted and challenged this mobility, while simultaneously inciting a reappreciation of the interactions it used to fuel. What are the consequences of immobility from a personal perspective ...

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What Do All-Online Conferences Mean for Junior Researchers?

24.01.2021 , in ((Uncategorized)) , ((No Comments))

Throughout 2020, conferences were first canceled, then moved online. This is devastating for young researchers who want to engage in meaningful academic debate and build their networks. However, online seminars and lectures also have the potential to break down barriers related to unequal mobility rights and funding sources. Institutions should, ...

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