Das kritische Potential der Ausnahme für die Post-COVID-19-Normalität

08.04.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility, Politics)) , ((No Comments))

COVID-19 stellt unser soziales, politisches und wirtschaftliches Leben auf den Kopf. Zumindest zwischenzeitlich. So nötig und nachvollziehbar die vom Bundesrat verordneten Einschränkungen sind, so erstaunlich ist die weitgehend unkritische Diskussion der Restriktionen. Laufen wir damit Gefahr, dass sich die Einschränkungen in der Post-COVID-19-Ära zur Normalität mausern? Aus Spitälern geklautes Desinfektionsmittel, ...

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Social Cohesion and Outgroup Prosocial Behaviors

24.03.2020 , in ((Social Cohesion Beyond Nation State)) , ((No Comments))

Intergroup prosocial behaviors, such as immigrants helping nationals, contribute to improving intergroup relations and strengthening social cohesion. However, people might not attribute genuine prosocial motives to a potential helper when negative intergroup perceptions and expectations shape these relations. The present blog describes research investigating factors that influence help-recipients’ understanding of intergroup ...

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A Sudden Bankruptcy of Mobility Capital? The Paradoxical Effects of Pandemics on Human Movement

17.03.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility, Politics, Practices)) , ((No Comments))

Between February and March 2020, many people accustomed to being highly mobile witnessed a massive curtailing of their right to travel both across and within countries. Among these measures were suppression of flights, closure of borders, banning of international student exchanges, halting of public transportation, lock-down of entire cities, freezing ...

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