01.09.2016 , in ((Politics))
Sarah Progin-Theuerkauf
On 4 May 2016, the European Commission has published three proposals to reform the Common European Asylum System. They are the first series of two legislative packages the Commission has presented in 2016 to tackle the current “refugee crisis”. One of the proposals intends to amend the Dublin system, the controversial cornerstone of the Common European Asylum System, also applicable to Switzerland because of the Dublin Association Agreement. Which changes will the proposal entail?
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26.08.2016 , in ((Experiences))
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Laure Sandoz
Contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait penser au vu de la bonne situation du marché de l’emploi en Suisse, il est souvent difficile pour les personnes réfugiées de trouver du travail dans leur domaine d’expertise. En particulier, l’accès au marché du travail pour les personnes réfugiées est étroitement lié à la question de la reconnaissance de l’expérience et des qualifications.
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06.07.2016 , in ((What do we mean by…))
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Lucia Della Torre
Regularization measures are legal tools that provide undocumented migrants with a way out from their irregular status. They may differ widely – in name, content, effects, effectiveness – but they all lay bare the gaps of one country' s official immigration policy. This is why they are amongst the most controversial of all the schemes that States have devised to manage undocumented immigration.
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20.06.2016 , in ((Politics))
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Etienne Piguet
According to a popular belief, the number of Muslims living in Switzerland has strongly increased in the last years. Some populist groups even produced graphs predicting one million Muslims in a near future – as did the Egerkingen committee just before the popular vote on mass immigration in February 2014. Others extrapolated even further and went so far as to forecast a future Muslim majority.
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26.05.2016 , in ((Politics))
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Didier Leyvraz
Parmi les mesures prévues dans le cadre du projet de restructuration du domaine de l’asile, le conseil et la représentation judiciaire gratuits mis à disposition des requérants d’asile dans les centres fédéraux est certainement celle qui fait le plus débat. Facteur d’attraction pour certains, réelle amélioration pour d’autres : qu’en est-il exactement de cette assistance juridique gratuite ?
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