
COVID Postscript

14.05.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility)) , ((No commenti))

The COVID-19 outbreak has emphasized more than ever the question of how researchers can avoid reproducing the problematic and racialized representation of the “migrant” resulting from states’ efforts to prevent certain people’s mobilities. Recognizing how the national-scale perspective shapes and restricts our thinking, and starting by not differentiating between migrants ...

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The Migrant-Citizen Nexus in View of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Can We De-Migranticize Responses?

12.05.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility)) , ((No commenti))

The world has been confronted by not only the coronavirus pandemic, but also a surge of national(ist) responses to it. By closing their borders and introducing a travel ban for the Schengen Area, European countries have retreated into national fortresses that nonetheless remain highly unequal internally, prioritizing their own citizens’ ...

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The Making of Social Cohesion: A Critique of Migration Law and Practices in Switzerland

03.03.2020 , in ((Social Cohesion Beyond Nation State)) , ((No commenti))
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‘Integration’ and ‘social cohesion’ have various meanings in public, academic and political debates. While both terms generally remain ambiguous, ‘integration’ becomes a distinctive reality when used by state officials who grant or deny rights. By reviewing recent developments in Swiss migration law, this blog post discusses critically the underlying ideas ...

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Technologies for Expulsion: the Use of the Eurodac Database by Switzerland

10.05.2019 , in ((Politica, Schengen/Dublin)) , ((No commenti))

Biometric databases have become important instruments of migration control in Europe. Yet, little attention has been paid to the role of biometric technologies in implementing expulsions. As a tool for determining the countries responsible for processing asylum applications in Europe, Eurodac (European Dactylographic system) serves the implementation of the Dublin ...

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