(Un)merkliche Grenzen: (Im)Mobilität während der Pandemie

01.10.2024 , in ((Crises and (Im)mobility Regimes)) , ((No Comments))

Im Juni 2002 trat das Freizügigkeitsabkommen zwischen der Schweiz und der EU in Kraft. Seither können sich wirtschaftlich aktive Schweizer*innen und EU-Bürger*innen frei zwischen nationalstaatlichen Grenzen bewegen. Als die COVID-19 Pandemie im März 2020 ausbrach, wurden diese Grenzen zum ersten Mal nach 18 Jahren geschlossen und damit wieder sicht- und ...

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COVID-19 and Key Workers at the Intersections of Inequalities and Everyday Mobilities

21.12.2023 , in ((Towards a Novel Mobility Regime)) , ((No Comments))

This blog takes a closer look at the category of key workers as a method to govern mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic. This category revealed and emphasized the ways in which mobility intersects with inequalities. Yet, while these inequalities were made visible at an extraordinary time, the pandemic was not ...

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COVID-19 and Migration: The Legacy of Economization

12.12.2023 , in ((Towards a Novel Mobility Regime)) , ((No Comments))

One of the tendencies observed when studying migration governance during the COVID-19 pandemic globally, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), has been a quick return to the pre-pandemic logic of the neoliberal state. This is remarkable when compared with the anti-immigrant rhetoric within official discourse and the rapid expansion ...

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