Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Careers of Young Researchers

25.03.2021 , in ((COVID-19 + Early Career Academics)) , ((No Comments))
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The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the daily working routines of researchers across the globe. Researchers at an early career stage – when mobility, networking, and specialization are essential – may be particularly vulnerable to the measures taken against the spread of the disease. How have the first months of the ...

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Exceptional Uncertainty: Early-Career Anthropologists in the Corona Pandemic

23.03.2021 , in ((COVID-19 + Early Career Academics)) , ((No Comments))

The Covid-19 pandemic has proven to significantly affect the current state of life and work of early-career fieldworkers and ethnographers, as they have had to manage the subsequent restrictions imposed on their fieldwork. Based on discussion at the Research Infrastructures and Emotional Challenges workshop, we highlight the challenges faced by ...

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Stranded in Academic Mobility: The Isolating Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic

16.03.2021 , in ((COVID-19 + Early Career Academics)) , ((No Comments))

Mobility is a key criterion for assessing academic excellence. International mobility undoubtedly allows junior researchers to have essential experiences and broaden their networks. Nevertheless, the difficulties that go along with mobility – relocation of family members, administrative burdens, and informal connections with the host institution – can reduce these potential ...

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