01.12.2020 , in ((Politics))
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Gianni D’Amato, Denise Efionayi-Mäder and Didier Ruedin
Die Proteste gegen Polizeigewalt und Demonstrationen zu Black Lives Matter in den USA bewegen auch in der Schweiz. Die Frage liegt nahe, wie die hiesige Situation in Bezug auf rassistische Diskriminierung aussieht und welche Lehren aus der Black Lives Matter-Bewegung im historischen und politischen Kontext der Schweiz gezogen werden können.
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04.11.2020 , in ((Swiss Asylum Policy and Legislation))
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Mengia Tschalaer
To live a life in fear of violence, incarceration, torture, excommunication and isolation is a reality for many lesbian, gay, trans*, bi, intersex and non-binary persons worldwide. Homosexuality is criminalized in 77 countries out of which seven apply the death penalty. According to the UNHCR, the number of persons who
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22.10.2020 , in ((Swiss Asylum Policy and Legislation))
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Raphaël Rey
Après que les autorités suisses ont durci leur pratique à l’encontre des Érythréen·ne·s en 2017, nombreux·euses sont ceux et celles qui reçoivent des décisions négatives à leurs demandes d’asile. Dans un rapport publié en novembre 2018, et une actualisation de celui-ci à paraître cet hiver, l’Observatoire romand du droit d’asile
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20.08.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility))
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Carlo Knotz, Mia Gandenberger, Philipp Trein, Flavia Fossati and Giuliano Bonoli
Switzerland severely restricted movements across and within its borders to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. How supportive were the Swiss residents of these measures? And who did they think should still be allowed to enter Switzerland even when the borders were generally closed? The results show that Swiss residents support
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18.08.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility))
Katrin Sontag
As borders closed and countries shifted to a national focus, establishing lockdowns and social distancing measures, these extraordinary circumstances actually sped up the creation of a new network linking six initiatives in different European countries striving to obtain voting rights for residents without the local citizenship. Current debates and protests
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