European Union

A Future for Ukrainian Refugees in Europe Beyond Temporary Protection

21.09.2023 , in ((Europe on the Brink)) , ((No Comments))

The future of Ukrainian refugees in Europe remains uncertain after the “Temporary Protection” measure adopted by the member states is no longer applicable. A European follow-up arrangement is necessary, which preserves Ukrainian’s freedom of movement and treats them like EU citizens. This would involve continued access to employment, housing, and ...

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The Struggle for Liberal Values

05.09.2023 , in ((Europe on the Brink)) , ((No Comments))

Putin’s war in Ukraine, as well as in Sub-Saharan Africa and various operational theaters in the Middle East, has the potential to severely shake the consensus in Western societies. While the Ukrainian conflict underscores Russia’s imperialistic approach, Western societies remain divided over providing assistance to Ukraine and other theaters due ...

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Frontex’s Disseminated Ideology: Constructing a Racialized, Gendered and Illegitimate Other

15.02.2023 , in ((Racism in International Migration)) , ((No Comments))

Through its Annual Risk Analysis Reports, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, also known as Frontex, disseminates a particular ideological view of migration and border control. This view seems to be based on a need to create a racialized, gendered, and illegitimate “other” to justify the border control services, ...

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