human rights

A Sudden Bankruptcy of Mobility Capital? The Paradoxical Effects of Pandemics on Human Movement

17.03.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility, Politics, Practices)) , ((No Comments))

Between February and March 2020, many people accustomed to being highly mobile witnessed a massive curtailing of their right to travel both across and within countries. Among these measures were suppression of flights, closure of borders, banning of international student exchanges, halting of public transportation, lock-down of entire cities, freezing ...

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Movies of Encampment – A Dialogue About Confined Spaces

18.02.2020 , in ((Experiences, Politics, Practices)) , ((No Comments))
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Imagine living in a confined space, without a feeling of being “home” and being controlled by institutional actors. With this in mind, three filmmakers tackled the theme of encampment. They joined our recent discussion after the first “On the Mov(i)e” event, sharing their reflections on the conceptualization of encampment and ...

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