
Have We Forgotten Our Urban Essential Workers?

12.03.2025 , in ((Vulnerabilization of Migrant Workers During Crises)) , ((No Comments))

Urban essential workers are employed in key sectors, providing essential services such as public transport, cleaning, childcare and access to food. Five years ago, the COVID-19 pandemic shed light on these mostly invisible workers. However, low wages, poor working conditions and low social recognition still characterize their daily work. Despite ...

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Kantonales Wahlrecht für ausländische Einwohner*innen: Zu den Debatten in Genf und Basel-Stadt

24.04.2024 , in ((Voting Rights for Non-Nationals)) , ((No Comments))

Die Frage der politischen Partizipation von ausländischen Einwohner*innen in Genf und Basel-Stadt ist wieder aktuell. Die beiden städtischen Kantone weisen zahlreiche Parallelen auf. Ihr dynamisches wirtschaftliches Umfeld geht einher mit einem hohen Anteil an Bewohner*innen ohne Schweizer Pass, die im Jahr 2023 jeweils 41% bzw. 38% der Wohnbevölkerung ausmachten. In ...

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Tracking the Movements of Expatriates

21.06.2023 , in ((Practices, What do we mean by…)) , ((2 Comments))

Globalization and intense global competition for highly-educated workers (expatriates) are drawing attention to their international mobility in OECD countries. However, the collection of international migration data lags behind, resulting in inconsistent and confusing estimates of expatriates worldwide. Tracking the real-time movements of this population has become increasingly challenging, leading to ...

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