03.03.2020 , in ((Social Cohesion Beyond Nation State))
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Christin Achermann, Luca Pfirter, Stefanie Kurt e Lisa Marie Borrelli
‘Integration’ and ‘social cohesion’ have various meanings in public, academic and political debates. While both terms generally remain ambiguous, ‘integration’ becomes a distinctive reality when used by state officials who grant or deny rights. By reviewing recent developments in Swiss migration law, this blog post discusses critically the underlying ideas
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20.02.2020 , in ((Social Cohesion Beyond Nation State))
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Anita Manatschal e Katrin Sontag
“Social cohesion is threatened in Western democracies in times of mobility and migration.” Such concerns are raised both privately and publicly and often linked to fears of a crisis of the nation state. Yet, what is meant by social cohesion in the first place? If defined as connectedness between individuals,
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14.01.2020 , in ((Esperienze))
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Silvia Wojczewski
Descendants of international migrants have differing relations and connections to the country of their parents’ origin. Through the portraits of Aminata and her father Lansana – both Germans of Guinean origin, I studied the shifting meaning of “diaspora” for subsequent generations. The diasporic identity could be seen as disentangled from
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08.01.2020 , in ((Esperienze))
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Patrícia Nabuco Martuscelli
Family reunification, a phenomenon often studied in developed countries, is necessary to guarantee the right to family life for refugees. Based on interviews of refugees living in São Paulo, my study highlights the different strategies refugees adopt in selecting a family member to join them in Brazil through the reunification
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19.12.2019 , in ((Politique migratoire))
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Simone Prodolliet
Die Umsetzung von ausländer- und asylrechtlichen Bundesbestimmungen durch die Kantone ist durch das Spannungsfeld zwischen kantonalen Handlungsspielräumen und verbindlichen Grundrechten bzw. völkerrechtlichen Verpflichtungen geprägt. Das föderalistische System wird häufig mit einem Laboratorium verglichen, in dem unterschiedliche Strategien «ausgetestet» und die vor Ort bestmöglichen Praktiken formuliert werden können. Aber: Wie viel
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