irregular migration

Beyond Relocation: The Contested Role of NGOs

23.05.2017 , in ((Politics)) , ((No Comments))

The EU relocation mechanism for Italy and Greece promised to be the first fully-fledged experiment of “non-just-financial” solidarity among EU Member States in the field of asylum. After more than a year of implementation, its shortcomings appear as clear as the sun in the summer sky. However, it holds some merits, primarily to have shown the advantages of a better integration of NGOs in the governance of asylum redistributive schemes. The same NGOs are now under attack. Why? ...

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Opération Papyrus à Genève – Un pas vers une nouvelle approche de la question des sans-papiers ?

21.03.2017 , in ((Experiences)) , ((No Comments))

Le Canton de Genève a lancé, le 21 février, une nouvelle opération visant à régulariser les personnes sans-papiers qui vivent et travaillent depuis plusieurs années sur son territoire. Cette opération concertée entre les autorités fédérales et cantonales repose sur l’engagement de plusieurs administrations et associations locales. Elle se fonde sur une meilleure définition des critères nécessaires pour présenter une demande de régularisation sur la base de la Loi fédérale sur les étrangers. ...

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In the Aftermath of US Presidential Elections

09.12.2016 , in ((Politics)) , ((No Comments))

Recently we witnessed the election of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States of America. Given that he has no prior political experience, his election was for a long time considered unthinkable. And since he built his election campaign on xenophobic, racist and sexist language, many dreaded such an outcome. Immediately, questions were also raised about what Trump’s election means for international relations and whether it will boost other populist movements worldwide. ...

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Carcerazione amministrativa

29.09.2016 , in ((What do we mean by…)) , ((No Comments))

Solitamente, le persone recluse in carcere hanno commesso un crimine o un delitto (pena detentiva) o sono sospettate di averlo commesso (carcere preventivo). Eppure, nelle carceri svizzere si trovano centinaia di persone private della libertà per motivi amministrativi legati esclusivamente alla loro condizione di stranieri. Che cos’è la carcerazione amministrativa? Quando può essere ordinata nei confronti di un migrante? Quali sono le condizioni di detenzione vigenti in Svizzera in materia di carcere amministrativo? ...

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Von Grenzkontrollen und Grenzen der Kontrolle

09.09.2016 , in ((Media, Politics)) , ((No Comments))

In den vergangenen Wochen rückte das italienisch-schweizerische Grenzgebiet in den Fokus der öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit. Es wurde deutlich, dass auch im Zeitalter der Schengener Abkommen nationalen Grenzen und ihrer Kontrolle eine grosse Bedeutung zukommt, diese aber nur begrenzt möglich ist. Was geschieht heute an der Grenze? Und warum denken wir nicht über weniger statt über mehr Grenzkontrolle nach? ...

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