mercato del lavoro

High-Skilled but Unemployed: The Absence of Expat Wives from the Labor Market

13.12.2018 , in ((Blog series, Politica, Serie di blog, Skills and Migration)) , ((No commenti))

“Knowledge migration” in the Netherlands is a largely male affair. This is especially true for Indian who make up the largest group of “high-skilled” migrants to the country. Under Dutch Law, the partners of knowledge migrants are given a work permit but many of the Indian “expat wives” are unemployed. ...

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Mobility versus Caring Skills? The Recruitment of Care Workers for the Elderly

07.12.2018 , in ((Blog series, Politica, Serie di blog, Skills and Migration)) , ((No commenti))

A new market for home care has emerged in Switzerland, fostered by the free movement of workers. Private care agencies recruit women from lower-wage countries and place them in private households for elderly care. The women usually work for a few weeks or months at a time and commute between ...

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Etre ou ne pas être un·e étranger·ère intégré·e?

26.09.2018 , in ((Esperienze)) , ((No commenti))

La plupart des narratifs politiques ou médiatiques liés à la migration contiennent l’image d’une boîte de Pandore. Mais pourquoi n’oserions-nous pas une fois convoquer Shakespeare et Cendrillon au débat? Faire partie de la société : véritable moteur d’intégration Si Shakespeare questionne la complexité existentielle et identitaire à travers son fameux « être ...

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