19.03.2025 , in ((Vulnerabilization of Migrant Workers During Crises))
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Livia Tomás and Sarah Ludwig-Dehm
Low wages, limited access to social protection and benefits, temporary or seasonal labor contracts, and employment through recruitment agencies or subcontractors are all defining characteristics of precarious work. The COVID-19 pandemic – marked by constant uncertainty and rapid change – has exacerbated precarious working conditions for many, especially for migrants.
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16.11.2023 , in ((Towards a Novel Mobility Regime))
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Maurice Stierl
As Covid-19 emerged globally, the pandemic was seized as an opportunity to experiment with forms of hygienic-sanitary containment and deterrence, often targeting vulnerable mobile populations. While the virus did not “respect” borders, borders multiplied, both on land and at sea. Yet, despite varied attempts, the Mediterranean Sea could not be
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22.02.2022 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility, Politics))
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Pranav Kuttaiah
Alors que les discours sur la migration se concentrent souvent sur les frontières internationales et les réfugié·e·s, la première vague de la pandémie de COVID-19 a mis en lumière la migration interne. C’est ce qui s’est passé en Inde, où le statut en matière de logement et d’emploi, la caste,
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15.02.2022 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility, Politics))
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Pranav Kuttaiah
While the discourse on migration often focuses mainly on international borders and refugees, the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic brought internal migration to the fore. Such was the case in India where housing and employment status, caste, religion, gender and ethnicity seemed to dictate how city residents chose to
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15.07.2021 , in ((Social Work))
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Anne-Laure Counilh
Rendue très visible par la pandémie de Covid-19, la question de l’aide alimentaire est pourtant peu documentée en Suisse. Depuis 2019, une recherche analyse les dispositifs d’aide alimentaire en Suisse. Les inégalités d’accès à l’aide alimentaire touchant les migrant·e·s issu·e·s de l’asile illustrent l’injustice sociale. Bien que subventionnée par les
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