politica + ricerca

Access to a Hot Field: A Self-Reflexive Account of Research in the Moria Camp, Lesvos

08.12.2017 , in ((Border Criminologies, Esperienze)) , ((No commenti))

Researchers face many obstacles in gaining permission to study migration governance sites as governments seek to avoid accountability. In this post, I reflect on my experience of gaining access to the Moria camp in Lesvos – its denial, its negotiation and its achievement. The importance of the Moria camp and the entire Lesvos island in the emergent geography of the EU border regime as a site of bureaucracy, control and humanitarianism has turned it into a popular field for researchers. ...

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Doing Research in Securitized Spaces

05.12.2017 , in ((Border Criminologies, Esperienze)) , ((No commenti))

Immigration detention centers are among those “obscured places” where migration is regulated and hidden from view. They are spaces of exclusion and suffering for those detained, and source of uncertainty and frustration for both detainees and staff working there. Access to those sites, as well as to data and information about them, is very restricted. It is precisely for this reason that research inside them – whenever possible and allowed – is worth the pains and difficulties it involves. ...

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How Does Access Affect Knowledge Production? Entering the Migration Apparatus as Researchers

01.12.2017 , in ((Border Criminologies, Esperienze)) , ((No commenti))

While institutions of migration control and management are increasingly sought-after research sites, they are and will remain particularly sensitive ones as they evolve in a highly politicized field. Consequently, researchers encounter many challenges associated with gaining and maintaining access to these sites. The posts of this new series of blog posts – originally published on the Border Criminologies Blog – shed light on the way access shapes scientific knowledge. ...

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Kommission nimmt die Migration ernst

12.09.2017 , in ((Media, Politica)) , ((No commenti))

«Eidgenössische Migrationskommission. Gremium mit Schlagseite» So lautete die Schlagzeile eines Artikels in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung NZZ. Die Vorwürfe: Die Migrationskommission soll politisch einseitig zusammengesetzt sein und einer Nichtregierungsorganisation gleichen. Walter Leimgruber, Präsident der Eidgenössischen Migrationskommission, widerspricht und nimmt dezidiert Stellung dazu. ...

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