politica + ricerca

Ethnische Diskriminierung in der Schweiz – Fakt oder Mythos?

21.03.2019 , in ((Blog series, Discrimination)) , ((No commenti))

Am 21. März 2019 findet zum 40. Mal der internationale Tag gegen Rassismus statt. In vielen Schweizer Städten werden im Rahmen der Aktionswochen gegen Rassismus Veranstaltungen organisiert, um die Bevölkerung für Fragen der rassistischen Diskriminierung zu sensibilisieren. Der « nccr – on the move » schaltet in dieser Woche eine ...

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Encounters with the Spanish Guardia Civil at a Border Crossing in Melilla

14.12.2017 , in ((Border Criminologies, Esperienze)) , ((No commenti))

State officials in securitized migratory fields – such as: border controls, detention and deportation units, combatting trafficking, etc. – operate regularly with a strong conviction that no outsider knows better than they how to perform their job. As state-securitized operations often tread thin ethical lines, involve “sensitive” maneuvers, and are based on guarded know-how, it is preferable and easy for officials to fence off attempts at studying their work. ...

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Let the Right One in – on Migration Authorities’ Resistance to Research

12.12.2017 , in ((Border Criminologies, Esperienze)) , ((No commenti))

Dear (Swedish Migration Agency), we fully understand that your organization is under immense pressure at the moment. However, we would highly appreciate if you would consider our request. From our perspective, the experiences and practices of migration officials are of vital importance for understanding the preconditions of migration control […]. We thank you for considering our request and look forward to hearing back from you. ...

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