politica + ricerca

Einführung zur Blogserie “Gender matters! (Nicht-)Zugehörigkeit in der Schweizer Migrationsgesellschaft”

27.05.2019 , in ((Blog series, Gender Matters!)) , ((No commenti))

Inwiefern prägt Geschlecht unsere Vorstellungen von „den Schweizer*innen“ und „den Anderen*“ in der Politik, in Gesetzen und im Alltag? Unsere Blogreihe zeigt auf, wie Grenzziehungsprozesse zwischen Staatsbürger*innen und den „Anderen*“ vergeschlechtlicht werden und zu Ausschluss führen können. Gender als analytische Kategorie erlaubt es, solche liberalen und rechtsstaatlichen Werten zuwiderlaufende Ungleichheitsstrukturen ...

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Transnational Grandparenting: Childcare in Migrant Families in Switzerland

22.05.2019 , in ((Esperienze)) , ((No commenti))

Transnational grandparents and their contribution to the intergenerational circulation of care are rarely subject of attention in social sciences and public discourses on migration. Yet, as a central dimension of family solidarity, grandparents’ involvement in childcare also takes place within transnational families, both in countries of origin and settlement. Various ...

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Technologies for Expulsion: the Use of the Eurodac Database by Switzerland

10.05.2019 , in ((Politica, Schengen/Dublin)) , ((No commenti))

Biometric databases have become important instruments of migration control in Europe. Yet, little attention has been paid to the role of biometric technologies in implementing expulsions. As a tool for determining the countries responsible for processing asylum applications in Europe, Eurodac (European Dactylographic system) serves the implementation of the Dublin ...

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UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) – an Effective Instance of Multi-Level Governance or Catalyst for Externalization? (Part 2)

17.04.2019 , in ((Politica)) , ((No commenti))

In the first part of this blog post, we analyzed why the GCM’s vision of ‘interconnecting’ migration-specific to migration-related policies delivers gains, including more room for negotiated outcomes, while at the same time increasing the risk of watering down human rights protection. This second part evaluates the evolution of institutions ...

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UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) – Towards a Legal Regime Governing International Migration? (Part 1)

11.04.2019 , in ((Politica)) , ((No commenti))

Does the UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) fulfill the criteria of a legal regime for international migration or is it just another soft law cooperation framework? If the GCM is merely a state-led cooperation framework, then what is its contribution to international migration law (IML)? ...

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