13.08.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility))
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Philippe Wanner and Ania Wisniak
The COVID-19 crisis has had various economic and social consequences in Switzerland, particularly on the most vulnerable populations. At the same time, internationally mobile populations were also affected by border closures. Therefore, it is no wonder that among the questions that emerged were the attitudes and reactions of the native
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23.06.2020 , ((1 Comment))
Simon Mastrangelo
Si la crise du Covid-19 a affecté l’ensemble de la population, elle a particulièrement touché les personnes qui vivent dans la précarité. Comment faire pour poursuivre le soutien aux plus démuni·e·s et éviter que la crise ne vienne accentuer les inégalités sociales préexistantes ? Le combat contre la propagation du
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26.05.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility))
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Gianni D’Amato
Crises are characterized by a serious threat, accompanied by high levels of uncertainty and an urgent need for action. The current pandemic has created such a context of fundamental uncertainty in which the ability to interpret the signs and anticipate future events in order to fully maintain the scope of
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20.05.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility))
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Marco Bitschnau
It lies in the nature of crises that they come out of nowhere. We wake up one morning and the world is not the same anymore, it has changed, and we see ourselves suddenly confronted with a problem we had previously ignored or localized elsewhere. During such periods when it
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28.04.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility, Politics))
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Leslie Ader
In this time of pandemic, there have been heated debates surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), from its high infection rate to the measures mitigating it and the availability of tests. Among these fiercely debated topics, the virus’ origin has prevailed as one of the most contested ones, provoking frustration and assertion
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