Author: Lisa Marie Borrelli

Facilitating Deportation in Welfare Offices – Outsourcing Migration Control

17.06.2020 , in ((Social Work)) , ((No Comments))

Social services, organizations offering integration courses and language certificates, and competence centers for integration in Switzerland are facing an increase in migration control tasks generally undertaken by migration authorities. This broadening of responsibilities, referred to as ‘outsourcing’ of migration control and management, manifests through policies that force social services to ...

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The Making of Social Cohesion: A Critique of Migration Law and Practices in Switzerland

03.03.2020 , in ((Social Cohesion Beyond Nation State)) , ((No Comments))
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‘Integration’ and ‘social cohesion’ have various meanings in public, academic and political debates. While both terms generally remain ambiguous, ‘integration’ becomes a distinctive reality when used by state officials who grant or deny rights. By reviewing recent developments in Swiss migration law, this blog post discusses critically the underlying ideas ...

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Movies of Encampment – A Dialogue About Confined Spaces

18.02.2020 , in ((Experiences, Politics, Practices)) , ((No Comments))
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Imagine living in a confined space, without a feeling of being “home” and being controlled by institutional actors. With this in mind, three filmmakers tackled the theme of encampment. They joined our recent discussion after the first “On the Mov(i)e” event, sharing their reflections on the conceptualization of encampment and ...

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Zuwanderungs- und Aufenthaltssteuerung via Sozialhilfe?

29.01.2020 , in ((Politics)) , ((No Comments))
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Am 15. Januar 2020 hat der Bundesrat das Eidgenössische Justiz- und Polizeidepartement (EJPD) beauftragt, sechs Massnahmen im Zusammenhang mit dem Bezug von Sozialhilfe durch Drittstaatsangehörige umzusetzen und zwei weitere zu prüfen. So soll ein erleichterter Widerruf der Niederlassungsbewilligung und die Einschränkung der Sozialhilfe für Personen mit einer Aufenthaltsbewilligung in den ...

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Implementing Dublin – Perspectives on the Legislation-Practice Continuum

13.05.2019 , in ((Politics, Schengen/Dublin)) , ((No Comments))
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When examining how migration laws and policies are implemented, the relation between those written texts and enacted practices becomes of crucial interest. This was highlighted in our collaborative research on contested migration control in the Schengen Area. In the following, we will focus on the Dublin Regulation and its implementation ...

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