Author: Lisa Marie Borrelli

Intersektionalität als Reflexionsinstrument der Migrationssozialarbeit

06.02.2019 , in ((Bodies and Spaces in Times of Crisis, Politics, Social Work)) , ((No Comments))

Im Bereich der Sozialen Arbeit und bei Debatten um Migration, Mobilität und Integration ist Intersektionalität ein relevantes Reflexionsinstrument zur Erforschung von Machtverhältnissen und sich überlappender Diskriminierungsformen. Dieses Konzept rückt die Erfahrungen von Menschen, die aufgrund ihres Geschlechts oder ihres Migrationshintergrundes benachteiligt werden, ins Zentrum. Seit den1990er Jahren hat sich, insbesondere ...

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Social Work Between a Handyman and a Humanitarian Actor?

23.01.2019 , in ((Bodies and Spaces in Times of Crisis, Practices, Social Work, State and NGOs)) , ((No Comments))

With increasingly restrictive migration regimes throughout Europe and a ‘race-to-the bottom’- attitude of previously more generous states to only follow the minimal legal requirements set by the European Union, third actors involved in the ‘migration industry’ are often caught in a moral dilemma. States increasingly outsource migration control to NGOs ...

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Let the Right One in – on Migration Authorities’ Resistance to Research

12.12.2017 , in ((Border Criminologies, Experiences)) , ((No Comments))

Dear (Swedish Migration Agency), we fully understand that your organization is under immense pressure at the moment. However, we would highly appreciate if you would consider our request. From our perspective, the experiences and practices of migration officials are of vital importance for understanding the preconditions of migration control […]. We thank you for considering our request and look forward to hearing back from you. ...

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