
Intersektionalität als Reflexionsinstrument der Migrationssozialarbeit

06.02.2019 , in ((Bodies and Spaces in Times of Crisis, Politics, Social Work)) , ((No Comments))

Im Bereich der Sozialen Arbeit und bei Debatten um Migration, Mobilität und Integration ist Intersektionalität ein relevantes Reflexionsinstrument zur Erforschung von Machtverhältnissen und sich überlappender Diskriminierungsformen. Dieses Konzept rückt die Erfahrungen von Menschen, die aufgrund ihres Geschlechts oder ihres Migrationshintergrundes benachteiligt werden, ins Zentrum. Seit den1990er Jahren hat sich, insbesondere ...

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Different Ways of Involvement: Migrants’ Political Participation

21.12.2018 , in ((Bodies and Spaces in Times of Crisis, Politics, Skills and Migration)) , ((No Comments))

Immigration to Switzerland is highly selective and predominantly temporary. This has implications for migrants’ engagement and social inclusion. Residing on a short-term basis affects migrants’ relationship with the environment they live in. Then again, new residents are better educated than ever, which has implications for their ability to act. There ...

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High-Skilled but Unemployed: The Absence of Expat Wives from the Labor Market

13.12.2018 , in ((Bodies and Spaces in Times of Crisis, Politics, Skills and Migration)) , ((No Comments))

“Knowledge migration” in the Netherlands is a largely male affair. This is especially true for Indian who make up the largest group of “high-skilled” migrants to the country. Under Dutch Law, the partners of knowledge migrants are given a work permit but many of the Indian “expat wives” are unemployed. ...

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