
Sprechen und Schreiben Sie Deutsch? Niveau A1, A2 oder B1?

01.02.2018 , in ((Politics)) , ((No Comments))

Der Bundesrat hat am 1. Dezember 2017 die Vernehmlassungen zur Verordnung über Zulassung, Aufenthalt und Erwerbstätigkeit und zur Verordnung über die Integration von Ausländerinnen und Ausländern eröffnet. Diese Vernehmlassungen sind Bestandteil der Teilrevision des Ausländerinnen- und Ausländergesetzes, die am 16. Dezember 2016 vom Parlament verabschiedet wurde. ...

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The European Parliament and the Reform of the Dublin System: Bold but Pragmatic?

23.01.2018 , in ((Politics)) , ((No Comments))

A new chapter is being written in the troubled history of the Dublin system. (Hastily) declared dead at the height of the crisis’ of 2015, it has been (belatedly) judged unfit for purpose by a whole range of actors including the European Commission and Parliament. A fundamental reform has therefore been placed on the agenda as matter of urgency. ...

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Immigration : les surprenants rebondissements du 9 février 2014

20.11.2017 , in ((Politics)) , ((No Comments))

Après avoir envisagé une mise en œuvre rigoureuse de l’article constitutionnel « contre l’immigration de masse » (quotas annuels d’immigration par branches ou région) puis une version beaucoup plus souple (plafonnement unilatéral uniquement en cas de forte immigration), le Conseil fédéral a passé la main au parlement qui, en décembre 2016, a pris la liberté de ne pas appliquer la Constitution. ...

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(Dual National) Politicians – between “Pure-Bloods” and “Half-Bloods”

14.11.2017 , in ((Dual Citizenship of Politicians, Politics)) , ((No Comments))

Last week, Ignazio Cassis became one of the Swiss federal councilors – after having surrendered his Italian passport in the weeks before the election. Simultaneously, in Australia several parliamentarians had to relinquish their seat, because it turned out that they had dual citizenship. Thinking about dual citizenship of elected politicians, four points are to be considered: “awareness” and the “possibility to renounce” where a prohibition for dual citizens to run for office is in force, as well as “loyalty” and “representation”, the basic arguments used when creating such prohibitions. ...

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When the Right to Vote and the Right to Run for Political Office Do Not Coincide

09.11.2017 , in ((Dual Citizenship of Politicians, Politics)) , ((No Comments))

Ignazio Cassis’ renunciation of his Italian citizenship has re-launched the debate on the meaning of political rights – and, in particular, the right to run for political office – in Switzerland. According to Cassis, his decision was necessary – politically, although not legally – in order to be elected to the Federal Council. At the same time, Cassis did not see dual citizenship as an obstacle to vote or to run as a candidate to the Federal Parliament. This episode shows that the right to vote and the right to run for political office are not necessarily aligned. ...

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