Navigating the Controversy: European Policies and Ukrainian Refugees

27.09.2023 , in ((Europe on the Brink)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

The ongoing invasion of Ukraine has transformed the European landscape of migration, making Ukrainians the largest group of arriving asylum seekers. This group stands out not only for its demographics – comprising predominantly of women, the elderly, and children – but also for its unprecedented transborder mobility. In light of ...

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A Future for Ukrainian Refugees in Europe Beyond Temporary Protection

21.09.2023 , in ((Europe on the Brink)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

The future of Ukrainian refugees in Europe remains uncertain after the « Temporary Protection » measure adopted by the member states is no longer applicable. A European follow-up arrangement is necessary, which preserves Ukrainian’s freedom of movement and treats them like EU citizens. This would involve continued access to employment, housing, and ...

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How Trade Agreements Shape Switzerland’s Immigration Policy

23.08.2023 , in ((Gestion migratoire)) , ((Pas de commentaires))
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Preferential trade agreements (PTAs) are meant to facilitate trade between countries. Yet, beneath the surface of these economic treaties lies a lesser-known dimension that extends beyond trade – the intricate regulation of international migration. A new dataset produced by researchers from the nccr – on the move based on these ...

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Breaking Biases: Deconstructing Myths on Immigrant Women in Switzerland

28.06.2023 , in ((Ce que nous entendons par...)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Immigrant women play a vital role in Switzerland, yet their narratives are often reduced to stereotypes such as, “looking for a husband” or “working as nannies.” In reality, immigrant women have contributed greatly to Swiss society. It seems therefore important to challenge misconceptions about immigrant women in Switzerland. In the ...

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