Générosité coupable ?

29.03.2022 , in ((Europe on the Brink)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

L’argument selon lequel l’ouverture aux victimes de la guerre en Ukraine serait révélatrice d’une fermeture raciste vis-à-vis des réfugiés syriens, afghans ou yéménites a connu une large diffusion ces derniers jours. Beaucoup de ses propagateurs sont pleins de bonnes intentions. Ils souhaitent pousser l’Europe à plus de générosité et prennent ...

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A Call for Solidarity with All Refugees, Beyond Double Standards!

24.03.2022 , in ((Europe on the Brink)) , ((1 Commentaire))

Since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, two observations among others, are haunting many social scientists: First, unprecedented solidarity of European states and their people with refugees fleeing Ukraine. Second, a double standard applied to other refugee groups from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq or African countries. These two observations ...

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Multicultural Citizenship 25 Years On

16.03.2022 , in ((Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

It is at best inconvenient to talk about multicultural citizenship in France; the country`s official republican conception of citizenship considers its citizens without cultural, ethnic, racial and religious differences. Despite this, Paris warmly welcomed at least three generations of scholars from all around the world working on multiculturalism at a ...

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