Vieillir hors de Suisse ? Aperçu des nouvelles recherches

10.05.2022 , in ((Transnational Ageing)) , ((No Comments))

Présentant les résultats de six nouveaux projets de recherche suisses, cette série de blogs s’intéresse au vieillissement transnational. Ce phénomène décrit différentes pratiques de personnes de plus de 55 ans qui traversent les frontières nationales, soit physiquement, soit de manière plus « symbolique ». Avec une population vieillissante grandissante en Suisse, le vieillissement ...

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Importance of Nationality for Older Migrants’ Pandemic-Related Worries

14.04.2022 , in ((Transnational Ageing)) , ((No Comments))

Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, people have been worried about COVID-19. Older persons (65+) seem to be especially vulnerable, and minorities and migrants have been hit harder by the pandemic than natives. Data shows that older Italian international migrants living in Switzerland have been considerably more worried ...

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Families and Mobilities

15.12.2021 , in ((Family + Mobility)) , ((No Comments))

The decision to be mobile deeply influences one’s life trajectory. Moreover, family and social networks affect and are conversely affected by one’s decision to live abroad. Our blog series on Families + Mobilities has highlighted the plurality of families, nudging us to look beyond the concept of a nuclear family ...

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Disrupted Mobilities, Disrupted Careers: Outro of the Blog Series on COVID-19 and Early Career Academics

30.03.2021 , in ((COVID-19 + Early Career Academics)) , ((1 Comment))

In conclusion of the nccr – on the move blog series on the impact of COVID-19 on early-career academics, this post takes stock of the central issues raised. Based on additional insights from a satisfaction survey realized among the nccr – on the move-funded early-stage academics in February 2021 and ...

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