
A Reflexive Perspective on Privileged Migration Studies. What’s the Point?

14.06.2022 , in ((Reflexive Migration Studies)) , ((No Comments))

In political and popular discourse, migration is alternately portrayed as a problem to be managed or a danger to be fought. Consequently, the term appears to carry with it a set of social and political issues. Drawing on reflexive migration studies, it seems therefore appropriate to question how some mobile ...

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Krisen und Migrationspolitisierung: Kontext ist Trumpf

15.09.2021 , in ((Politics, Practices)) , ((No Comments))

Welchen Einfluss haben Krisen auf die Politisierung von Migration? Dieser Frage sind wir mit Leslie Ader und Didier Ruedin in einem jüngst erschienenen Artikel nachgegangen, in dem wir sogenannte ‘claims’ – Einzelaussagen und Interviewäusserungen aber auch Abstimmungen oder Proteste – untersucht haben, über die in grossen Schweizer Printmedien berichtet wurde. ...

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Asylum Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Persecution: The Political Discourse in Switzerland

17.11.2020 , in ((Swiss Asylum Policy and Legislation)) , ((No Comments))

For nearly three decades, Swiss officials have registered asylum claims based on persecution due to sexual orientation and gender identity. Initially, a predominantly administrative act, the issue is now present and debated in the political space. In these lines, I describe how the issue has developed into an ideologically debated ...

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