Union européenne

Access to a Hot Field: A Self-Reflexive Account of Research in the Moria Camp, Lesvos

08.12.2017 , in ((Border Criminologies, Experiences)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Researchers face many obstacles in gaining permission to study migration governance sites as governments seek to avoid accountability. In this post, I reflect on my experience of gaining access to the Moria camp in Lesvos – its denial, its negotiation and its achievement. The importance of the Moria camp and the entire Lesvos island in the emergent geography of the EU border regime as a site of bureaucracy, control and humanitarianism has turned it into a popular field for researchers. ...

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Immigration : les surprenants rebondissements du 9 février 2014

20.11.2017 , in ((Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Après avoir envisagé une mise en œuvre rigoureuse de l’article constitutionnel « contre l’immigration de masse » (quotas annuels d’immigration par branches ou région) puis une version beaucoup plus souple (plafonnement unilatéral uniquement en cas de forte immigration), le Conseil fédéral a passé la main au parlement qui, en décembre 2016, a pris la liberté de ne pas appliquer la Constitution. ...

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(Dual National) Politicians – between “Pure-Bloods” and “Half-Bloods”

14.11.2017 , in ((Dual Citizenship of Politicians, Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Last week, Ignazio Cassis became one of the Swiss federal councilors – after having surrendered his Italian passport in the weeks before the election. Simultaneously, in Australia several parliamentarians had to relinquish their seat, because it turned out that they had dual citizenship. Thinking about dual citizenship of elected politicians, four points are to be considered: “awareness” and the “possibility to renounce” where a prohibition for dual citizens to run for office is in force, as well as “loyalty” and “representation”, the basic arguments used when creating such prohibitions. ...

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The “Migration Crisis” in Europe: An Interpretation

22.06.2017 , in ((Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Since 2015, the term “migration crisis” has appeared in the media almost on a daily basis. Why now and not back in the 1990’s when comparable numbers of asylum requests were lodged in Europe? Many parameters are indeed very different today than in past episodes of refugee arrivals. In 2015, refugees moved in large numbers over large distances, from the South to the North, and they had to risk their lives to do so. The lack of political coherence in Europe when coping with these arrivals nearly led to a breakdown of the entire EU. However, it is not only a “crisis” of politics, but also of numbers, distance and rights. What are its fundamentals? ...

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