European Union

The most read blog posts of 2018

08.02.2019 , in ((Media)) , ((No Comments))

The nccr – on the move blog has been read by over 2000 people during 2018. The most popular post is «High-Skilled but Unemployed: The Absence of Expat Wives from the Labor Market», by Kate Kirk. The three most read contributions of the year are dealing with family migration and ...

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Mobility versus Caring Skills? The Recruitment of Care Workers for the Elderly

07.12.2018 , in ((Bodies and Spaces in Times of Crisis, Politics, Skills and Migration)) , ((No Comments))

A new market for home care has emerged in Switzerland, fostered by the free movement of workers. Private care agencies recruit women from lower-wage countries and place them in private households for elderly care. The women usually work for a few weeks or months at a time and commute between ...

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The Not So Hidden Agenda of the ˈInitiative for Self-Determinationˈ

12.11.2018 , in ((Bodies and Spaces in Times of Crisis, Foreign Judges?, Politics)) , ((No Comments))

The initiative ‘Swiss Law instead of Foreign Judges (Initiative for Self-Determination)’ is the last in a long series of initiatives launched by the SVP with the aim to reverse the philosophy of the new Swiss Constitution to assure fundamental rights protections to all residents, including minorities. The intention is to ...

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Zur Rechtmässigkeit von Abweisungen von Migrant*innen an Schengen-Binnengrenzen

20.06.2018 , in ((Good Practices)) , ((No Comments))

In der letzten Zeit gab es in einigen Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union, vor allem in Deutschland, Vorschläge, Migrant*innen an der Grenze abzuweisen. Auch in der Schweiz wird dies gelegentlich vorgetragen. Nach einer Lektüre des nationalen Rechts erscheint es tatsächlich möglich, Migrant*innen an der Grenze abzuweisen. So erlaubt z.B. Art. 64c AuG «formlose ...

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