29.03.2019 , in ((Blog series, Discrimination))
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Itziar Marañón
Vorgestern endete die 9. Berner Aktionswoche gegen Rassismus. Mit einer Kampagne und 48 Veranstaltungen, Workshops und Aktionen in Bern, Köniz, Muri, Ittigen und Ostermundigen bot sie ein Programm in noch nie dagewesener Vielfalt. Während der Aktionswoche haben unter anderem Personen von ihrer Erfahrung mit Rassismus berichtet oder es wurde vermittelt,
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28.03.2019 , in ((Blog series, Discrimination))
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Anne Lavanchy
Le choix des mots représente un enjeu capital dans la prise en considération de phénomènes sociaux tels que le racisme. Le fait que les termes étymologiquement liés à la « race » soient souvent négligés dans la lutte contre le racisme et les analyses des inégalités est loin d’être anodin.
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26.03.2019 , in ((Blog series, Discrimination, Discrimination))
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Daniel Auer
In terms of its societal functioning, one could argue that Switzerland is a failed state, because we didn’t manage to put merit over prejudice. Every day, we, as a society, are at the same time victims and perpetrators of discrimination. It’s a complex topic, but one thing is for sure:
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22.03.2019 , in ((Blog series, Discrimination, Experiences))
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Didier Ruedin
This post offers insights into the first national field experiment on ethnic discrimination in the housing market. Financed by the Swiss Office for Housing and the nccr – on the move, we examined to what extent one’s name affects the likelihood to be invited to view an apartment. We covered
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30.11.2018 , in ((Blog series, Politique, Skills and Migration))
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Stefanie Schröder
Access of migrants and refugees to German universities depends on the classification of their prior degrees and qualifications. The access routes into higher education for refugees are challenged by achieving language competencies and proving their ‘ability to study’. Many refugees who reached Germany in the last few years are already
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