23.06.2020 , ((1 Commentaire))
Simon Mastrangelo
Si la crise du Covid-19 a affecté l’ensemble de la population, elle a particulièrement touché les personnes qui vivent dans la précarité. Comment faire pour poursuivre le soutien aux plus démuni·e·s et éviter que la crise ne vienne accentuer les inégalités sociales préexistantes ? Le combat contre la propagation du
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09.06.2020 , ((1 Commentaire))
Daniela Duff
Wer kennt ihn nicht, den Taxisfahrer aus dem Iran oder Nigeria, der eigentlich Geschichtsprofessor oder Ingenieur ist und nun Geschäftsleute und Partygänger*innen in den Städten herum chauffiert. Oder die Juristin aus Aserbaidschan, die in der Schweiz als Freiwillige tätig ist, sich selbständig Fachwissen zum schweizerischen Migrationsrecht erarbeitet hat, aber keine
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14.05.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility))
, ((Pas de commentaires))
Bridget Anderson
The COVID-19 outbreak has emphasized more than ever the question of how researchers can avoid reproducing the problematic and racialized representation of the “migrant” resulting from states’ efforts to prevent certain people’s mobilities. Recognizing how the national-scale perspective shapes and restricts our thinking, and starting by not differentiating between migrants
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12.05.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility))
, ((Pas de commentaires))
Janine Dahinden
The world has been confronted by not only the coronavirus pandemic, but also a surge of national(ist) responses to it. By closing their borders and introducing a travel ban for the Schengen Area, European countries have retreated into national fortresses that nonetheless remain highly unequal internally, prioritizing their own citizens’
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05.05.2020 , in ((Politique, Practices))
, ((1 Commentaire))
Tim Harder et Katrin Sontag
Education at universities is not easily accessible for asylum seekers and refugees in Europe. The daily life of asylum seekers and provisionally admitted persons is highly regulated. When it comes to refugee students, the rules of the education system intersect with the ones on the asylum system, thus further restricting
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