
From Objects to Subjects: Expanding Reflexivity in Migration Studies

01.07.2022 , in ((Reflexive Migration Studies)) , ((No Comments))

Reflexive approaches in migration studies have revealed the problems of traditional constructions of the objects of migration research. Much less attention has been paid to the subjects doing the research and the mechanisms that prevent the perspectives of scholars with their own ‘migranticization’ experiences to be adequately represented in knowledge ...

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Guilty Generosity?

31.03.2022 , in ((Europe on the Brink)) , ((No Comments))

An argument that has been circulating widely over the recent days is that opening up to the victims of the war in Ukraine has allegedly revealed a racist attitude of closure toward Syrian, Afghan, and Yemeni refugees. Many propagators of this idea are very well-meaning. They want to push Europe ...

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Générosité coupable ?

29.03.2022 , in ((Europe on the Brink)) , ((No Comments))

L’argument selon lequel l’ouverture aux victimes de la guerre en Ukraine serait révélatrice d’une fermeture raciste vis-à-vis des réfugiés syriens, afghans ou yéménites a connu une large diffusion ces derniers jours. Beaucoup de ses propagateurs sont pleins de bonnes intentions. Ils souhaitent pousser l’Europe à plus de générosité et prennent ...

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