
Social Cohesion and Outgroup Prosocial Behaviors

24.03.2020 , in ((Social Cohesion Beyond Nation State)) , ((No Comments))

Intergroup prosocial behaviors, such as immigrants helping nationals, contribute to improving intergroup relations and strengthening social cohesion. However, people might not attribute genuine prosocial motives to a potential helper when negative intergroup perceptions and expectations shape these relations. The present blog describes research investigating factors that influence help-recipients’ understanding of intergroup ...

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Social Cohesion and Intergroup Attitudes: The Role of Social Norms

05.03.2020 , in ((Social Cohesion Beyond Nation State)) , ((No Comments))
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Increasing global migration streams challenge social cohesion. The present blog contribution describes several lines of research examining how social norms shape the ways both national majorities in destination countries and immigrants react to increased diversity and its consequences. Overall, this research shows how social norms operating at the national and ...

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The Making of Social Cohesion: A Critique of Migration Law and Practices in Switzerland

03.03.2020 , in ((Social Cohesion Beyond Nation State)) , ((No Comments))
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‘Integration’ and ‘social cohesion’ have various meanings in public, academic and political debates. While both terms generally remain ambiguous, ‘integration’ becomes a distinctive reality when used by state officials who grant or deny rights. By reviewing recent developments in Swiss migration law, this blog post discusses critically the underlying ideas ...

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Movies of Encampment – A Dialogue About Confined Spaces

18.02.2020 , in ((Experiences, Politics, Practices)) , ((No Comments))
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Imagine living in a confined space, without a feeling of being “home” and being controlled by institutional actors. With this in mind, three filmmakers tackled the theme of encampment. They joined our recent discussion after the first “On the Mov(i)e” event, sharing their reflections on the conceptualization of encampment and ...

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