irregular migration

Eingesperrt zwecks «Überstellung» – die Dublin-Haft

15.05.2019 , in ((Politics, Schengen/Dublin)) , ((No Comments))

Die Diskussionen um das Dublin-System in der Schweiz konzentrieren sich meist auf die Zahl der in ein anderes Land überstellten Personen. Dabei bleibt verborgen, dass diese «Transfers» oft weniger mechanisch ablaufen, als es der Begriff suggeriert. Hunderte von Personen werden jährlich administrativ inhaftiert, bevor sie in den für sie zuständigen ...

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Implementing Dublin – Perspectives on the Legislation-Practice Continuum

13.05.2019 , in ((Politics, Schengen/Dublin)) , ((No Comments))
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When examining how migration laws and policies are implemented, the relation between those written texts and enacted practices becomes of crucial interest. This was highlighted in our collaborative research on contested migration control in the Schengen Area. In the following, we will focus on the Dublin Regulation and its implementation ...

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Social Work Between a Handyman and a Humanitarian Actor?

23.01.2019 , in ((Bodies and Spaces in Times of Crisis, Practices, Social Work, State and NGOs)) , ((No Comments))

With increasingly restrictive migration regimes throughout Europe and a ‘race-to-the bottom’- attitude of previously more generous states to only follow the minimal legal requirements set by the European Union, third actors involved in the ‘migration industry’ are often caught in a moral dilemma. States increasingly outsource migration control to NGOs ...

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