droit + jurisprudence

Kann man mit 70 Jahren noch Deutsch lernen?

12.05.2017 , in ((Bonnes pratiques)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Das Bundesgericht kommt im Urteil vom 7. April 2017 zur Einschätzung, dass sich eine im Zeitpunkt der Einbürgerung 86-jährige Frau nicht genügend um ihre Integration bemüht habe. Die Gemeinde habe die ordentliche Einbürgerung zurecht verweigert. Laut dem Bundesgericht hätte sich die mittlerweile demente und schwerkranke Gesuchstellerin nach ihrer Einreise in die Schweiz im Alter von 72 Jahren besser integrieren sollen: Deutsch lernen und Kontakte zur lokalen Bevölkerung pflegen. ...

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Back to the Future: Trump’s Executive Orders on Migration and Refugees

05.05.2017 , in ((Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

The United States has a long history of excluding foreigners on the basis of race and religion, and Americans always have been profoundly ambivalent about immigration. At times they have been comfortable with diversity and confident in their ability to assimilate newcomers, while at other times they have worried about national unity and frightened of foreigners almost to the point of paranoia. ...

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“I Want My Entry Tickets Back!”

28.04.2017 , in ((Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

The Swiss experience is very instructive for the role of the free movement of persons in the upcoming Brexit negotiations. It is much easier to grasp the importance of migration in these negotiations if the control over somebody’s migration is understood as a valuable right. Brexit is the attempt to take back these rights from the European citizens without any compensation in turn. Most probably, that will not work out. ...

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Artificial Intelligence and Big Data – An Uncharted Territory for Migration Studies?

11.04.2017 , in ((Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

The technological advances in machine learning, big data, and artificial intelligence – for a long time confined to the realm of science fiction – are increasingly entering our daily lives. By scientifically predicting future migration patterns, changing the underlying economics of migration, facilitating legal procedures, and upgrading risk profiling and border protection, they are also highly relevant to the field of migration and mobility. ...

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